
キャプラン ワインアカデミー
キャプラン ワインアカデミー メールマガジン登録


コーポレートマネジメント部 部長
Email:[email protected]

ご入力いただいた個人情報は、お問い合わせに関する対応、当社主催セミナー等についてのご連絡および運営管理、また他のセミナー・サービス・キャンペーン のご案内、アンケートのお願い、セミナー等参加後のご意見・ご感想のお願い、統計資料作成等の目的のために利用いたします。






Email:[email protected]


[ Use of Personal Information Acquired from Inquiries and Course Applications ]

(1)Company Name
PASONA HR Solution Inc.

(2)Person Responsible for Personal Information Protection Management
PASONA HR Solution Inc.
Manager, Corporate Management Department
Email:[email protected]

(3)Purposes of Personal Information Use
Acquired personal information is used for the following purposes:
・Response to inquiries
・Contact of applicants and management of seminars held by our company
・Introduction of seminars, services and campaigns
・Request for questionnaires
・Request for opinions and feedback after seminars
・Creation of statistical information

(4)Handling of Personal Information Entrustment
For the proper management of seminars, there are cases where we entrust acquired personal information entirely or partially to seminar trainers. In such cases, we select entrusted persons with a high level of personal information protection as a condition and entrust the information upon entering into a nondisclosure agreement.

(5)Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Without the consent of the person or except in cases where required by law, we do not provide information to third parties.

(6)Disclosure of Personal Information and Inquiries Regarding Disclosures, etc.
We will respond to requests for revision, addition or deletion in notices, disclosure, and content of the purpose of use of disclosed personal information; termination of use; deletion; and the discontinuation of entrusting personal information to third parties. Please refer to “For Inquiries” contact information below regarding disclosure, etc.

(7)Personal Information Protection Management Measures
We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent and rectify the divulgation, loss, or damage of acquired personal information and to manage personal information protection.

(8)Personal Information Protection Policy
Please refer to our website for personal information policy.

For Inquiries - regarding complaints, consultation, etc. in the handling of personal information:
PASONA HR Solution Inc.
Personal Information Protection Management Office
Email:[email protected]

Please note any enquiries or requests related to the result or the content of interview will not be responded.
